Our specialization
The heart beating gives the body rhythm, the same way clocking gives it to
the sonic waves.
The purer beating is, the better body works!
Natural Sound
No artificial harmonics
Artificial harmonics produced when a single sound is electronically processed are ghost overtones which are not a part of the real musical art source. Those artifacts comprising false harmonic content over the main sonic fundamentals and naturally doesn't exist in the initial musical picture. Many scientific studies prove by 'blind listening tests' that a good shape listener with detailed hearing is able to catch the equalization and distorting of such products affecting the original musical art.
Every approach for reducing or cancelling of already existing noise just additionally impair the sound. The intention is to create ultra-superior circuits such way to have it initially minimized, perfectly decoupled by any other sources of noise.
... and Clarity
Reproducing the music should not become equalization, it must be done transparently. It only worth it to hear your creation the same way it was live sounding acoustically. No coloration, no added noise, no artificial harmonical distortion - all this that makes the virgin music to get false sounding . . .
Every artificial change in the pure audio, make it as false as it is a photo modified to look better than it is in reality.
Music as an art must be reproduced as much transparent as possible.
Our Technological Achievements
analog stages
digital stages

Together 4 Audio

Peter Petroff
SONIC ETALON's Founder & CEO2012, Sept. 22
" With creating of our first sonic etalòn which does not leave its footprints over the pure musical art flowing through it, we have proved that mastering the simplicity preserves the sound purity. "
Ludwig van Beethoven
December 17, 1770" Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents. "
Albert Einstein
1943, March 19" I often think in music, I live my daydreams in music, I see my life in terms of music. "
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
" The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between. "
Robin Wiliams
NOV. 21, 2007 ~ August rush" You know what music is? God's little reminder that there's something else besides us in this universe, a harmonic connection between all living beings, everywhere, even the stars. "
Johann Sebastian Bach
1750, July 28" Do not cry for me, for I go where music is born. "